Groups | MLS
Share and manage your portfolio with multiple agency groups or a global MLS
With just one click you can share your properties with various groups or MLS.
Share real estate and increase your options
Inmotek will offer various options to share your portfolio either through a group or the global exchange and you will always be able to choose what you do and don’t share, always limiting access to your properties in a simple and fast way. In addition, it will be possible to publish group properties on your website, thereby significantly increasing your portfolio.
Working with a group or MLS prevents you from discarding any acquisitions. This tool will enable you to share properties that you are not going to work on and you will also have a larger portfolio of properties to offer to your customers.
A global exchange of all Inmotek agencies
There will always be a product that fits what your customers are seeking.
You will be able to save exclusives, streamlining marketing through the group.
Decide what commission to share when you manage something in a shared manner.
And much more
Why one MLS if you can have several?:
Create different MLS groups to share properties with: one group in your city, another one in your province or another strategic one in different locations.
Trustworthy configurations
You can choose what to share with each MLS: addresses, private notes or commissions. You can disable user access to your MLS.