New update pack May 2019

As a result of your contributions and comments, we have launched the new update pack for inmotek. It has incorporated functionalities that complete those presented in the first quarter of the year.

Include more than one commercial per event - now available!

Have you ever needed to create a tour or event with more than one salesperson? Now you can!

A new option to create shared events in the inmotek calendar is now active. Using it is very simple, you just have to select the users you want to invite in the new INVITED section, which appears on the right hand side of the calendar entry tab (view, event, call...), and press save. Each user will receive the invitation to the event and can reject it at any time. In addition, the event will be synchronized in the Google calendar for all those users who are invited to the event, as long as they are Google Suite users.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: As a result of your comments regarding the permissions to edit multiple events, we have activated by default the option for all users to be able to edit calendar appointments as until now, however, it is possible to restrict this editing option within the permissions section: CAN EDIT ACTIONS.

Grouping different files for the same property - now available!

This feature allows us to duplicate a property when we want to put it back into the portfolio. In this way we can take two paths: put it back into the portfolio, as until now, or duplicate it so that the basic characteristics of the property and the images are copied. In this case, the follow-ups, visits and other characteristics derived from the previous operation will not be duplicated, but we can choose to copy the images, documents and owners. The operation is as follows: we change the status of the property and when we press save it gives us the option to duplicate the property (see image).

Once the new file for this property has been created, we will be able to see all the files associated with this property in the last tab of the property's file.

Billing Permissions - Now Available!

We have now activated the option for specific billing permissions. This will allow users who do not have administrator permissions to access the billing section and be able to create, issue and edit invoices. This completes the billing functionality that is already active in inmotek.

In addition, we have updated the map display in the Habitaclia listings - now available!

From now on, the display of properties on the map responds more accurately to the option selected between showing full address, showing street or showing neighborhood or area.